Iowa Quran Study Circle


Read, in the name of your Lord, who created.
He created man from an embryo.
Read, and your Lord, Most Exalted.
Teaches by means of the pen.
He teaches man what he never knew.

[Quran 96:1-5]

Find out more about Submission (Islam) by studying the source!

Sessions include Quran study followed by discussion of questions (all in English).

The Quran study is open to members of all religions. We only ask that you bring an open mind and the willingness to discuss peacefully and amicably.

Schedule for November God willing

Friday November 7th, 6 – 7 pm
Friday November 14th, 6 – 7 pm
Friday November 21st, 6 – 7 pm
Friday November 28th, 6 – 7 pm

Location: Iowa City Recreation Center, Meeting Room A
220 S. Gilbert St (Gilbert & Burlington), Iowa City

Email: mail (@at@) QuranStudy (.dot.) Org

studying Quran

For more information on Submission (Islam), please visit our partner site: Masjid Tucson